When Is the Best Time to Switch Payroll Providers?
    Picture of Sara Loomis Sara Loomis | November 16, 2022

    For small to midsize businesses, payroll can be not only the biggest part of the budget, but also a daunting responsibility for HR. Staying compliant...

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    IRS Roundup: 2023 Tax Brackets, 401(k) Contributions, and FSA Limits
    Picture of Sara Loomis Sara Loomis | November 9, 2022

    **See the 2024 updated numbers for IRS tax brackets, 401(k) contributions, and FSA contributions. The Internal Revenue Service, or IRS, regularly...

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    Indeed’s New Job Ad Pricing Model: What HR Needs to Know
    Picture of Alexis Merrill Alexis Merrill | November 7, 2022

    In an increasingly competitive labor market, many organizations are getting creative about finding talent to fill open positions. From offering...

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    How to Prevent Employees from Hoarding Knowledge
    Picture of Alexis Merrill Alexis Merrill | October 25, 2022

    When an employee leaves your organization, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, their absence can be felt by the whole organization. An employee’s...

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    ‘Tis the Season for Seasonal Workers: How to Hire Them
    Picture of Alexis Merrill Alexis Merrill | October 24, 2022

    The holiday season is just around the corner, and many organizations are gearing up. Whether your organization is preparing to hire seasonal workers...

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    IRS Affordability Rule Changes for Families: What HR Should Know
    Picture of Sara Loomis Sara Loomis | October 19, 2022

    In addition to open enrollment and year-end housekeeping, Q4 often comes with the added stress of interpreting legislation that will take effect in...

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    Employee Benefits to Support Caregivers: What HR Should Know
    Picture of Alexis Merrill Alexis Merrill | October 18, 2022

    A family member falling ill can be taxing on an employee stepping in to provide caregiving duties. Whether they are providing help from a distance or...

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    Wage Freezes: Don’t Freeze Up When Breaking the News
    Picture of Alexis Merrill Alexis Merrill | October 14, 2022

    Wage freezes aren’t uncommon in most organizations; however, delivering the news isn’t fun for leadership and HR teams. If your organization is...

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    5 Steps to Productively Handle Workplace Conflict
    Picture of Alexis Merrill Alexis Merrill | October 12, 2022

    Workplace conflict is never fun, no matter what side of an argument you are on. However, conflict in the workplace is often inevitable—and can even...

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    What to Consider Before Taking a Public Stance on Social Issues
    Picture of Alexis Merrill Alexis Merrill | October 10, 2022

    Over the last few years, there has been no shortage of polarizing headlines in the news, resulting in an uptick in political conversations and...

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