Bretton Chatham

Bretton is an aPHR-certified member of the Marketing Team at Bernard Health. He writes about HR, compliance, and benefits solutions.
Bretton Chatham
    Section 125 Cafeteria Plans: What Employers Need to Know
    Picture of Bretton Chatham Bretton Chatham | March 11, 2022

    Whether you knew it or not, your organization likely has a Section 125 cafeteria plan. Even though cafeteria plans are quite common, ERISA compliance...

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    Exempt or Not: Do You Have to Classify Some Employees as Hourly?
    Picture of Bretton Chatham Bretton Chatham | March 8, 2022

    Along with classifying employees as part-time or full-time, employers are also required by federal law to correctly distinguish between exempt and...

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    The Role of Assessments in the Hiring Process
    Picture of Bretton Chatham Bretton Chatham | February 24, 2022

    The Great Resignation has been weighing heavily on many HR minds these past few months. But of course, one employer’s retention tension can be...

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    Culture Guides: What They Are and Why You Need One
    Picture of Bretton Chatham Bretton Chatham | February 24, 2022

    Your employee handbook probably isn’t working for you. While the idea behind them is good, most of them are bad in practice because, too often, they...

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    Template: How to Correct and Communicate a Payroll Overpayment
    Picture of Bretton Chatham Bretton Chatham | February 21, 2022

    Overpaying employees more common than you might think. But that doesn't mean it should go uncorrected. Here's what HR pros need to know about why...

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    Understanding Employee Leave: Essential Policies for SMBs
    Picture of Bretton Chatham Bretton Chatham | February 9, 2022

    In small to midsize businesses, HR plays a crucial role in managing employee leave policies. Understanding the various types of leave—both paid...

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    Step-by-Step Guide to Filling Out OSHA Forms 300, 300A, and 301
    Picture of Bretton Chatham Bretton Chatham | January 27, 2022

    The Occupational Safety and Health Administration requires certain employers to report work-related injuries and illnesses, using a three-step...

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    What is an ERISA Wrap Document, and Why Do You Need One?
    Picture of Bretton Chatham Bretton Chatham | January 10, 2022

    ERISA covers more benefits plans than many employers realize, and it takes more than a plan booklet to comply with federal regulation. How can small...

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    What Happens If an Employee Misses Open Enrollment?
    Picture of Bretton Chatham Bretton Chatham | December 9, 2021

    After all the time and attention that HR pros give open enrollment, it can be hard to imagine how an employee could miss the window for electing ...

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