Sarah Weinstein

Sarah leads the BerniePortal marketing team. She writes about benefits administration, HR technology, and more.
Sarah Weinstein
    What HSA Owners Need to Know When they Turn 65
    Picture of Sarah Weinstein Sarah Weinstein | December 29, 2021

    A recent analysis found that more than 3 million baby boomers retired prematurely due to COVID-19 . And while retirement is calling for a significant...

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    Is Pregnancy a Qualifying Event?
    Picture of Sarah Weinstein Sarah Weinstein | December 28, 2021

    No, pregnancy is not considered a qualifying event in most states. This means an expectant mother cannot be added to a group health plan as a...

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    What is an FTE and How Do You Calculate Full-Time Equivalency?
    Picture of Sarah Weinstein Sarah Weinstein | December 27, 2021

    One of the most common yet often perplexing compliance concerns HR teams encounter is calculating FTE, or full-time equivalency. From what it is and...

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    What is the Difference Between EDI and API Integration?
    Picture of Sarah Weinstein Sarah Weinstein | December 1, 2020

    If you’ve ever looked into software vendors, you’ve probably heard the acronyms EDI and API thrown around. At a basic level, both EDIs and APIs...

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