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Work Flexibility: What Does It Really Mean?

Work Flexibility: What Does It Really Mean?

With a record-breaking number of employees resigning from their jobs during the Great Resignation, job seekers hold more power than ever to negotiate before accepting an offer. While salary remains important, many employees are also looking for work flexibility when considering a new opportunity. 

According to a recent Topia survey of 1,481 full-time office workers, 96% of employees feel that flexibility in working arrangements is important when seeking a new job. Here’s why work flexibility is proving to be crucial in recruiting and retaining top talent in the current job market.



Refresher: What is the Great Resignation?

The “Great Resignation is a term coined by Professor Anthony Klotz—an organizational psychologist at Texas A&M University—to describe the ongoing labor trend of record-breaking monthly resignation rates in the US economy. 

In 2021, it was reported that a record-breaking 38 million workers quit their jobs. From January to May 2022, the BLS has reported quit rates consistent with 2021– proving to employers that job turnover isn’t slowing down.

The workforce and job market have seen numerous repercussions of the Great Resignation. For example, many organizations—beyond simply raising base compensation—have started offering more robust benefit packages and flexible work schedules to attract and retain employees. 


What Is Work Flexibility’s Role in Recruitment and Retention?

Contrary to popular belief, the hiring cycle doesn’t just stop once a new hire signs your offer.

Topia’s “Adapt to work everywhere” study surveyed 1,481 full-time office workers between December 22, 2021, and January 11, 2022—including 299 HR professionals. The 2022 study focused on “flexible work arrangements,” defined as any work done outside the traditional office environment. Flexible work arrangements could include working from home, a local coffee shop, coworking spaces, or even from a different state or country than where the employee is based.

Of those surveyed, 29% stated they changed jobs in 2021, and 34% are planning to resign this year. Many employees noted that an increased desire for flexibility was a significant factor in staying or leaving. Here’s what the survey found regarding work flexibility:

  • Work flexibility ranked as the third most important factor when looking for a new employer.
  • 96% of employees felt that flexibility in working arrangements is essential when seeking a new job.
  • 56% of respondents said work flexibility contributes to an exceptional employee experience. 
  • 64% of those forced to return to the office full-time said this makes them more likely to look for a new job.

While competitive salaries are a driving force in retaining and recruiting top talent, many other benefits should be considered. Mutual trust in employees can increase employee retention, and offering flexible work policies is an excellent place to start.


How BerniePortal Can Help

While 82% of employers already have a flexible work policy in place, an employer’s approach is crucial to reaping the benefits.. Here are some tips on using BerniePortal to manage your organization’s policy.

  • When hiring for open positions, it’s important to be transparent regarding your company policies. BerniePortal’s Applicant Tracking System allows your organization to customize job postings. Job descriptions are an excellent way to include any company policies that may sway an applicant’s decision to apply—such as flexible work policies.
  • BerniePortal’s Compliance feature allows your organization to store and track important company documents. If your organization plans to implement a flexible work policy, it’s wise to outline the rules and exceptions and have each employee agree to the terms. HR and managers can see who signed the documents to follow up with reminders, and employees can refer back to the policy when needed.
  • Keeping track of employee hours can be challenging when working from various locations. BerniePortal’s Time & Attendance feature allows organizations to keep track of employees’ hours worked and set restrictions to a specific IP address. Employees can request edits for the manager’s approval if a mistake is made, all through one online hub. Your organization doesn’t have to sacrifice accuracy for flexible work schedules.

BerniePortal is all-in-one robust HRIS software with each feature working in harmony to solve unique problems HR and leadership teams face daily. With streamlined processes, HR pros can focus on more strategic objectives and empower employers to spend less time on administration—and more time building the businesses they love. 

Request a demo of BerniePortal today!


Additional Resources

You can stay informed, educated, and up-to-date with important HR topics using BerniePortal’s comprehensive resources:

  • BerniePortal Blog—a one-stop-shop for HR industry news
  • HR Glossary—featuring the most common HR terms, acronyms, and compliance
  • HR Guides—essential pillars, covering an extensive list of comprehensive HR topics
  • BernieU—free online HR courses, approved for SHRM and HRCI recertification credit
  • HR Party of One—our popular YouTube series and podcast, covering emerging HR trends and enduring HR topics

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