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HR Technology is Driving Productivity—Don’t Get Left Behind

HR Technology is Driving Productivity—Don’t Get Left Behind

HR tech is increasingly important to workforce productivity. What should employers know about how technology tools can enhance a company's output? 


How HR Tech Drives Workforce Productivity 

HR tech drives workforce productivity by reducing the administrative burden of human resources processes. From onboarding to benefits administration, traditional HR processes have been conducted on paper, leading to inefficiencies and error.

By adopting an HRIS platform, organizations can streamline human resources tasks, which frees up valuable time for HR to operate more strategically. This includes being able to refocus on high-impact training and development activities, which in turn lead to a more productive and capable workforce.


Five Ways HR Tech Can Help Teams Right Now

HR tech removes the burden of managing administrative tasks, which paints the human resources department in a new, more strategic role. It also presents five opportunities that can help companies immediately improve. These include:

  1. Improve Efficiencies: By reducing the administrative burden of chasing the paperwork, the HR department can focus on higher-skill tasks that contribute to business growth and employee experience.
  2. Ensure Compliance: Easily send required notices and other employee communication, and track employees’ receipt and signing to ensure compliance.
  3. Reduce Errors: Using an online system makes it easy to ensure accuracy and resolve errors or inconsistencies.
  4. Cut the Paperwork: From onboarding to benefits enrollment and more, many HR departments are drowning in paperwork. An HRIS eliminates the need for paper records by storing HR information and data online.
  5. Boost Recruitment and Retention: Use an HRIS to improve the initial onboarding experience as well as the entire employee life-cycle, which improves recruitment and retention.


How Can Employers Adopt HR Technology?

While the benefits are clear, it can be difficult for employers to select and implement HR technology. Follow these four steps for adoption success:

  1. Get Leadership Buy-in: Leadership may not immediately see the benefits of HR tech. Schedule a meeting to explain how the company can use these solutions to enhance its operations in the short- and long-term. When properly utilized, you can use an HRIS to hire more efficiently, find better candidates, streamline onboarding, administer employee benefits easily, and so much more. The result? A well-oiled machine that cuts inefficiencies and makes HR much more strategic—which only adds to the company's development and improvement. 
  2. Identify Options: Ask your benefits broker if they provide any kind of benefits and HR solution. If they already provide an online enrollment system, ask whether it has additional HR functionality. You may also want to get recommendations from other businesses or business advisors you know.
  3. Request and Attend Demos: Contact the recommended vendors to schedule demonstrations of their products.
  4. Adopt the System: To adopt a system offered through a value-added reseller, connect with a broker that licenses the product or recommend an existing broker adopt it. The broker will oversee and support your organization’s adoption and rollout of the system.     

HR Technology Resources for SMBs: 

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