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Why Recruitment Marketing Matters for SMBs

Why Recruitment Marketing Matters for SMBs

Recruitment marketing is a growing strategy among businesses. Typical recruitment methods are growing outdated every passing day, and companies need to recognize these changes and alter their strategies to stay competitive. 

Read on to learn more about recruitment marketing strategies and why they are essential for HR in SMBs. 


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Why Does Branding Matter?

How applicants are handled throughout the hiring process is an often overlooked aspect of branding. Branding includes the company message and values, and as such, the hiring process needs to reflect these core elements. Begin by asking these questions:

  • How are applications processed?

  • What do job postings say about the organization? 

  • Are interviews streamlined to reflect the same values from manager to manager?

  • Is feedback processed in a way that reflects the brand image?

  • Are responses timely and consistent?

  • Is the hiring process specific to your brand?

This applies to current employees too. Ensure the company brand is reflected in all meetings, feedback requests, and manager and employee training programs. 


What Is Recruitment Marketing?

Recruitment marketing refers to marketing strategies designed to attract candidates to your organization. This involves expressing the value of working for an organization to a number of candidates that fit the company’s needs. 

Technology has dramatically expanded this practice as applicant tracking systems (ATS) and other virtual tools have further developed. As tech continues to grow, this practice will see even more excellent growth opportunities. 

Recruitment marketing, in general, is made up of 5 key components:

  1. Digital marketing strategies

  2. Branding efforts

  3. Content development

  4. Social media

  5. And applicant engagement

These five components are essential elements of a successful recruitment marketing strategy and will work in tandem to attract new candidates to your organization.



How Does Recruitment Marketing Differ from Traditional Recruiting Strategies?

The most significant difference between recruitment and recruitment marketing professionals lies in the underlying responsibilities. 

Recruiters are given the task of finding talent for open positions within the organization. 

The responsibilities of a recruitment marketer do not require them to find new candidates to apply for positions. Their job responsibilities are to assist in the recruitment process by creating a branded story with images, copy, and calls to action to create an underlying positive impression of the organization. 

When a recruitment marketing professional succeeds in their role, the recruiter will have an easier time reaching candidates because they will have already gained a clear understanding of your organization and, hopefully, with a positive reaction.

At their core, recruitment marketing professionals set the stage for the recruiter, bolstering their chances of success. 


How Can Small Businesses Use Recruitment Marketing Effectively?

This is not to say that every organization must have both roles in order to take advantage of this process. A recruiter or marketing team can utilize certain aspects of the recruitment marketing strategy to expand the recruiting process without necessarily devoting an entire role to the process. 

Whether you have the resources to devote an entire role to recruitment marketing or not, it is crucial that organizations begin venturing into some aspects of the strategy. Traditional hiring methods are becoming less effective every day, and adaptation is required to achieve success over time. Candidates now rely almost entirely on online presence for finding new employment opportunities. This includes job sites such as LinkedIn or Indeed, as well as social media campaigns and reviews. 

The key when focusing on these recruitment strategies is advertising. Where there used to be limited avenues for discovering available jobs, dating back to newspaper job post boards, there are now endless opportunities to learn about different roles. It is all too easy to read about a company as well. You can read countless reviews from people who have worked at a company, watch videos on social media of what people thought about their time with the organization, and even see what improvements and positions the business might be in at a given moment.  

Some ways recruitment marketing can bolster hiring strategies for SMBs include:

  • Use stories to garner positive impressions of your organization 

  • Reach candidates through a multitude of networks and avenues 

  • Create a stronger initial interaction with recruiters

  • Claim your company page on social media to better utilize your available resources.

  • Create advertising campaigns to spread brand awareness of your company.

HR needs to prioritize branding within its recruiting methods if they hope to remain competitive in the quickly evolving job market. 

Be creative and intentional with your strategy and watch the market closely to maintain a competitive advantage when recruiting. Branding is all about telling your story and expressing yourself as an authentic company where employees can grow, connect, and thrive. 


Additional Resources

You can also stay informed, educated, and up-to-date with HR and other important topics by using BerniePortal’s comprehensive resources:

  • BernieU—free online HR courses, approved for SHRM and HRCI recertification credit

  • BerniePortal Blog—a one-stop-shop for HR industry news

  • HR Glossary—featuring the most common HR terms, acronyms, and compliance

  • HR Guides—essential pillars covering an extensive list of comprehensive HR topics

  • HR Party of One—our popular YouTube series and podcast, covering emerging HR trends and enduring HR topics

State of HR Report 2023

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