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How To Implement Onsite COVID Testing in the Workplace

How To Implement Onsite COVID Testing in the Workplace

With the new OSHA guidelines in place, employers with over 100 employees will soon be required to implement weekly testing for employees who are unvaccinated. This has prompted HR technology companies and providers to begin offering a solution for these organizations. Read on to learn what you need to know about implementing an onsite COVID testing program. 

The first step toward compliance with the mandate is for employers to develop a mandatory vaccination or weekly testing policy for their employees—ready to implement by December 5 in case the court stay is lifted. OSHA leaves many policy details to each employer’s discretion, including whether to mandate vaccination for all employees or to give employees a weekly testing option in lieu of vaccination.


Why Are Employers Switching to On-Site Testing?

One important note regarding the new OSHA regulations is that in order to remain compliant 

an employee must have their test conducted by either their employer or a professional health proctor. They are not allowed to self-administer.

This ruling has given organizations a new challenge to handle in the wake of incentivizing vaccination. Should employees refuse vaccination, employers have two options provide tests in-house or to utilize outside services. This can create an issue with timing due to how long it might take to retrieve results. If an employee’s results are delayed, it could interfere with their return to the workplace, and force that employee to work remotely or not at all. 

For this reason, more employers are considering on-site testing options. 


What Does On-Site Testing Entail?

Employers are turning to organizations that can provide on-site testing. This includes bringing a team to your location on-site in order to administer tests.  company, Vault Health, has created the first saliva-based COVID test that is available on the market. 

The on-site testing scenario works differently depending on the company. As it is still fairly new there is no one way it is being done. The most common methods are setting up a tent or trailer outside, or using break rooms and common areas to administer tests. 

More and more companies will look to organizations like Vault Health as the new year approaches. For the safety of their employees and the efficiency of testing methods, bringing a team on-site to administer such tests is both appealing and convenient. 


How to Create an Effective Testing System

Many HR leaders are currently ill-prepared for tracking COVID cases. In order to remain compliant, you will need to follow the correct steps when creating this system. The first thing you will need to do is write out your plan clearly. This will allow you to effectively communicate throughout the process. BerniePortal’s Compliance feature is a great tool for uploading company policies, and requiring every employee to e-sign their acknowledgement

Your policy should outline what is expected of your employees, how your company plans to support this policy, and what will happen should they choose to not abide by the new rules. In this situation, it is best to over explain, leaving no room for confusion. One example would be the need for employees to provide their vaccination card to be put on file. It is important that employees know in advance exactly when they will need to bring it in. They may also need to know whether a copy can be used or if it must be the actual card. 


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