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10 Ways an HRIS Can Help Build & Sustain Strong Organizational Culture

10 Ways an HRIS Can Help Build & Sustain Strong Organizational Culture

More and more human resources teams are adopting platforms and tools that make their lives easier. Now, with the help of an all-in-one HRIS like BerniePortal, an HR professional can spend more time building and sustaining their organization’s culture instead of hours upon hours sorting through Form I-9 files and other administrative tasks.


What is an HRIS?

A human resources information system (HRIS) is a software that combines many different systems and processes to ensure the ease of HR management. Small businesses can use the right software solution for their team to efficiently and effectively centralize, organize, and improve your day-to-day processes.

Most HRIS platforms comprise the following components: 

  1. Applicant Tracking System
  2. Onboarding
  3. Online Benefits Administration
  4. PTO Tracking
  5. Time & Attendance
  6. Compliance
  7. Performance Management
  8. 1095-C Reporting
  9. Payroll Integrations
  10. COBRA Administration

Exceptional HRIS platforms—like BerniePortal—also include billing options and robust reporting capabilities.


How Can an HRIS Build and Sustain Organizational Culture?

Many of the key features in effective HRIS platforms can track vital employment metrics and to establish and maintain your company’s culture. Often these two variables are connected so that an improvement in one metric is the result of stronger company culture (or vice versa). 

HR teams can use HRIS to improve organizational culture in 10 different ways: 

  1. Applicant Tracking System: Applicant tracking systems (ATS) streamline the recruiting process. These functions can improve time-to-hire for open positions and find stronger candidates that serve as better fits for the organization’s culture. 
  2. Onboarding: Onboarding software improves the new hire onboarding process, which can also boost long-term employee retention by better-introducing employees to an organization’s beliefs and vision.  
  3. Online Benefits Administration: A benefits administration platform is a software system for managing workplace benefits. Comprehensive benefits packages implicitly communicate your values and culture to new and existing employees. 
  4. PTO Tracking: Paid time off (PTO) tracking declutters time-off management, making it easier for employers and employees to review unused vacation and request time off. Tracking frees up HR to spend more time cultivating strong organizational culture within a company. 
  5. Time & Attendance: The ability to manage singular employee timesheets and review cumulative staff hours allows managers to better trends and streamline inefficiencies. Much like PTO tracking, automation creates more time for HR to develop culture.
  6. Compliance: Compliance features centralize all notices management. By keeping everything in one spot, HR can dedicate less time to administrative tasks.
  7. Performance Management: Performance management—including 1:1 meetings—helps maintain company-wide consistency, compliance, and accountability for managers and employees alike. Important conversations and events can be documented across an employee’s lifecycle, ensuring all relevant parties can easily track performance and progress.
  8. 1095-C Reporting: By handling 1095-C reporting during onboarding, your employee can spend less time filling out paperwork on their first day and more time learning the ins and outs of the organization. 
  9. Payroll Integrations: An effective payroll system will reduce payroll errors so that employees can better manage their personal expenses—and HR can spend less time making adjustments.
  10. COBRA Administration: COBRA is a set of laws put into place by the DOL to protect employees from the possibility of losing health coverage. A robust HRIS can handle COBRA compliance for HR teams, meaning for time to spend cultivating culture.

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