HR Blog | BerniePortal

New Updates to BerniePortal’s Applicant Tracking System

Written by Alexis Merrill | Sep 27, 2021 2:09:30 PM

It’s no secret that hiring managers have a lot on their plates and not enough time in the day to tackle it all. BerniePortal’s Applicant Tracking System aims to help HR hire top talent, without sacrificing valuable time. We recently made some small updates to this feature that have a big impact on efficiency.


Hiring Progress Bar

We updated the progress bar, seen at the top of each candidate’s profile.  Not only is it larger for easier viewing, but we also made each button clickable to quickly advance candidates to the next step of your hiring process.


Each of these hiring steps—represented by the blue bubbles—is completely customizable to your company’s hiring process. For example, if your company is working remotely due to  the pandemic and isn’t doing in-person interviews, you can update your hiring process to reflect that. 

If you are widening your applicant pool by posting to Indeed’s job boards through BerniePortal, you’ll find that these straightforward progress bars make it easy to stay organized, even with a lot of applicants. Once you’ve made a decision, you’re able to mark a candidate as hired or declined on this same screen.

Decline/Keep In Mind Tool

Let’s say you interviewed a great candidate who just wasn’t right for that particular role, and you want to consider them for a future opening on your team. You can update their candidate profile to say “Decline/ Keep in Mind” instead of just “Declined”. This is a great tool if you know you’ll have job openings in the near future and will want to see if you have any leads from past interviews.



Previous/Next Candidate Tool

The new Previous/Next Candidate tool makes screening through applicants more efficient. If you want to quickly get a glance at the applicants you have for a particular opening, you can click through them in the upper right-hand corner. You can also search for a specific candidate if you’re prepping for a phone interview and want to save time by not shuffling through all applicants.



Is your company not yet using an Applicant Tracking System? Here are some other ways hiring managers can utilize this feature:

  1. Job Post Creation: Users no longer need to post natively to each individual job board site.
  2. Job Post Sharing: From the same system, users can share the newly created post on various channels including social media.
  3. Central Candidate Repository: All candidate information is found in one place, regardless of where they applied (via a post on Indeed, the company website, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.)
  4. Collaborative Candidate Review: When someone applies for a job, an ATS allows all relevant decision-makers to easily collaborate when reviewing candidates.
  5. Applicant Communication: Similarly, hiring managers can communicate directly with job applicants using the same system—keeping everything in-house. Even better, HR can preload recruiting email templates that make these communications more streamlined.
  6. Job Offering Tools: Once a company has decided to offer a role to a candidate, they can extend an offer using the ATS.
  7. Onboarding: With built-in functionality, onboarding can begin as soon as a candidate accepts the new job—even before their first day!

Run, don’t walk to see a demo of our BerniePortal Applicant Tracking System today!