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7 Ways to Improve Your Talent Management Strategies

7 Ways to Improve Your Talent Management Strategies

A lot has changed in the HR industry over the past few years. From being simply the department in charge of keeping records, ensuring compliance, identifying proper wages, managing compensation packages, and monitoring leaves, the HR department is now expected to move beyond the paperwork and support the success of the organization through attracting—and retaining—top talent.



Many employees feel their organization’s HR skills need improvement. According to a survey conducted by Deloitte, 80% of respondents believe HR departments lacking skills is a big issue, specifically when retaining top talent. The same study showed that 22% of business leaders think HR teams are not adapting to evolving business needs. 


To attract the best talent, employers must shift their talent acquisition strategies to favor the employees. Many workers are confident switching jobs when they feel their needs are not being met, which can become costly for your business.

How do you ensure that your HR team is managing your talent effectively? Here are some strategies:

1. Work On Your Employer Brand

Strive to be an employer of choice by developing a company culture and persona that prospective employees recognize and would like to be associated with. Top-tier employees often have multiple available options, so presenting your brand in the best light is critical.

For example, Google receives over three million resumes a year and has become a top employer preferred by many candidates. This is because the company has invested heavily in the workplace environment and offering career development, giving it an excellent reputation among prospective employees.


2. Identify Your Recruitment Goals

HR teams should have a clear definition of what they want to achieve when hiring for a particular position. This strategy ensures that the recruiting team focuses on candidates who can do the work and fit into the existing company culture. 

For example, when hiring a manager for a global expansion, seek a candidate with a broad cultural awareness in addition to managerial skills. 

Review the job requirements to ensure the roles and responsibilities are not too extensive. While it is ideal to challenge workers with their tasks, the workload should not become a source of stress. 

Before hiring external candidates, consider people from within your organization. A University of Pennsylvania study found that external hires take about two years to catch up with internal hires’ performance. As such, looking at internal employees as potential candidates for a high-level position rather than hiring externally can save organizations thousands of dollars in effectiveness and productivity.


3. Strive for A Positive Candidate Experience

Attracting top talent begins with ensuring they have a positive candidate experience. Companies should also keep in mind that in addition to candidates who are actively searching for a new job, there are also passive job candidates that may be a good fit for your organization, but who are not necessarily focused on the job search process.

It’s essential to ensure job descriptions reflect the skills your company is looking for,  expectations of the role, and how that role benefits the candidate as well as the organization. Once the interview is complete, keep candidates updated on the hiring process, and be sure to send a congratulatory message when they get hired. 

The recruitment team should also inform the candidate if their application was unsuccessful. Why take this extra step? It will leave a lasting impression on the candidate. Given their positive experience, they’re more likely to recommend your company and serve as free advertising for your organization.


4. Have an Onboarding Process

The onboarding process is a critical step in talent management. About 69% of new hires with a structured onboarding program are likely to continue working for the company for up to three years.

New employees often feel lost and disconnected during their first few weeks, and some quit within the first 45 days of employment because they feel their onboarding process did not provide enough tools and resources to help them succeed in their position. Onboarding support should continue beyond the first few weeks, and be a continuous process.


5. Practice Outcome-Based Assessments

An effective talent management strategy acknowledges that no two employees are alike. When assessing performance, the focus should be on the outcomes rather than the process. This sends a signal to the employees that their methods are respected, and they are given a certain level of autonomy with how they manage their tasks.

This strategy allows them to feel valued and respected for their contributions to the company. When this happens, employees have higher levels of job satisfaction—motivating them to improve their productivity levels.

6. Revisit Your Benefits Package

Customizing the organization’s benefits package based on employee needs sends a strong signal about the organization’s focus on employee well-being. Include several options that employees can choose from based on what they need at the time. 


7. Maintain A Healthy Work Environment

A company’s work environment can make or break your talent management strategies. It won’t matter if you have a solid onboarding process or offer a generous compensation and benefits package if your working environment is toxic or does not foster positivity. Employees won’t be committed and are much more likely to leave if they are overworked or stressed out. 

Organizations that strategically invest in their people reap the benefits of committed and engaged employees. When company culture includes respect, recognition, and a healthy work environment, they become partners for success. 

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