Written by
Germeen Tanas
Germeen is an aPHR-certified writer on the marketing team at BerniePortal. She writes about HR, healthcare, and benefits.
HR Calendar 2025: Key Compliance Dates, Federal Holidays, & More

From major holidays to key compliance and ACA deadlines, here’s everything you need to know about important HR dates for 2025.
Note: This calendar is also available as a downloadable PDF.
First Day of Plan and Annual Notices
- ADA Wellness Program Notice
- CHIP Notice
- GINA Wellness Program Authorization
- Grandfathered Plan Notice
- Newborns' and Mothers' Health Protection Act Notice
- Notice to Enrollees Regarding Group Health Plan Opt-out
- Wellness Program Notice of Reasonable Alternatives
- Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act Notice
January Key Dates
January 1– New Year’s Day
January 20– Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 28– Data Privacy Day
January 31– Form W-2 is due to be e-filed, paper-filed, and furnished to recipients
January 31– Multiple 1099 forms are due
January 31– Form 720 and Form 941 are due
January 31– Form 940 is due if FUTA taxes were not paid when due
February Key Dates
Black History Month
February 1– OSHA Form 300A must be posted in visible areas through April 30
February 10– Form 940 is due if FUTA taxes were deposited on the correct deadlines
February 17– President’s Day
February 28– Forms 1095-B and 1095-C are due for paper filers
March Key Dates
March 2– Creditable Coverage information must be disclosed to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (see HR Calendar for more information)
March 2– OSHA Form 300A Summary is due to be filed electronically for employers with 100 or more employees in high-hazard industries
March 3– Forms 1095-B and 1095-C are due to be furnished to recipients
March 9– Daylight Savings Time
March 31– Forms 1094-C/1095-C are due to be e-filed with the IRS by this date
March 31– Q1 ends
April Key Dates
April 15– Tax Day: The deadline for federal income tax returns.
April 15– Form 8928 is due to be filed with the IRS
April 15– Form 7004 is due to be filed with the IRS (see HR Calendar for more information)
April 20– Easter Day
April 24– Administrative Professional’s Day
April 30– Quarterly Forms 720 and 941 are due
May Key Dates
Global Employee Health and Fitness Month
May 15– Form 990 is due
May 26– Memorial Day
June Key Dates
Pride Month
June 19– Juneteenth
June 30– Q2 ends
Mid-Year Review: Take some time to review goals, identify items that need more work, and celebrate wins. Also, this time of year is an excellent opportunity to remind employees to take advantage of their benefits.
July Key Dates
July 4– Independence Day
July 31– Form 5500 is due
July 31– Form 5558 is due if employers need an extension
July 31– Quarterly Forms 720 and 941 are due
August Key Dates
National Eye Exam Month
Back-to-school reminders: This is a great time of year to remind employees about dependent care FSAs and other benefits before the school year begins.
September Key Dates
September 1– Labor Day
September 1-5– National Payroll Week
September 30– Summary Annual Reports must be distributed to plan participants
September 30– Q3 ends
October Key Dates
National Disability Employment Awareness Month
October 3– QSEHRA written notices must be distributed to employees (see HR Calendar for more information)
October 3– Retiree Drug Subsidy (RDS) prospective plan sponsors must submit their applications for establishing a new account
October 14– Medicare Part D Creditable Coverage information must be sent to Medicare-eligible policyholders of employer-sponsored plans
October 31– Quarterly Forms 720 and 941 are due
October 31– Halloween
November Key Dates
November 2– Daylight Saving Time
November 4– Election Day
November 11– Veterans Day
November 27– Thanksgiving Day
December Key Dates
December 25– Christmas Day
December 31– New Year’s Eve
December 31– End of Q4
Additional Resources
You can stay informed, educated, and up to date with important HR topics using BerniePortal’s comprehensive resources:
BernieU—free online HR courses, approved for SHRM and HRCI recertification credit
BerniePortal Blog—a one-stop shop for HR industry news
HR Glossary—featuring the most common HR terms, acronyms, and compliance
Resource Library—essential guides covering a comprehensive list of HR topics
HR Party of One—our popular YouTube series and podcast, covering emerging HR trends and enduring HR topics
Community—the HR Party of One Community forum, a place devoted to HR professionals to ask questions, learn more, and help others

Written by
Germeen Tanas
Germeen is an aPHR-certified writer on the marketing team at BerniePortal. She writes about HR, healthcare, and benefits.
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