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Men's Mental Health Resources HR Pros Should Know

Written by Aidan Farrish | Jun 26, 2023 10:23:07 PM

Increased mental health awareness is a big topic on everyone’s minds, but half of the population often gets left out of these conversations.  

Despite having suicide rates four times higher than women’s, men’s mental health is rarely the focus of increased efforts to protect the workforce. In 2021, men made up nearly 50% of the US population but a severe 80% of the population’s suicides.  

As an HR professional at a small employer, where you may work more closely with employees, it’s your goal to create a healthy and accepting work environment. You have a personal stake in the well-being of your people. So, here are some resources you can provide in your organization that may help your employees in need. 

Suggested Mental Health Resources for Men

Following are some of the leading mental health resources, specifically for men.  

1. Heads Up Guys: This organization is dedicated to helping men prevent and treat depression. Depression affects over 6 million men nationwide but is often underdiagnosed as men hesitate to seek treatment due to social and financial factors. Heads Up Guys is a resource providing advice to better manage mental health and also supplies a directory of therapists trusted to help men treat depression. This organization is determined to debunk the myth that depression is a personal weakness in men, and that sadness isn’t “manly”. Check them out for testimonials and strategies, and for the push some men may need to understand that asking for help is stronger than suffering in silence.       

2. Charles Clark: Ex-athlete, author, and speaker, Charles Clark is a leading voice on mental health awareness, with a particular focus on avoiding burnout and overcoming fear. In today’s workforce, burnout is a serious obstacle to accomplishing goals. Charles seeks to strategize the way people conceptualize fear and adversity so they can take control of their lives.  

Due to his experience as a professional athlete, Charles is a great resource if you need inspiration for how to speak to the men in your workforce or life, and to remind them of their potential and drive for success—while taking key moments to rest and recuperate, exactly as an athlete like Charles would advise.  

Read his book, “The I in Team: The Playbook To Create A Winning Culture & A Thriving Business”, for more insight. 




If you want Charles to speak to your organization, he provides a form on his website for inquiries. Hiring a motivational speaker may be a good solution if you notice continuous or widespread mental health declines in your organization. A speaker may energize your workforce, and give them a chance to focus on bettering themselves alongside their peers. 

3. John Martin: John Martin is a men’s health advocate and retired servicemember, whose personal experiences lend themselves well to his YouTube series Black Mage John, where he drives viewers to succeed by first reaching a state of self-acceptance and entering an era of healing.  

For men in your workforce who may express difficulty overcoming trauma, the Black Mage John series is an excellent place to direct them. John covers topics on facing imposter syndrome, the effects of losing a parent at a young age, and more. John is also exceptional because he faces the darker aspects of men’s mental health, increasing awareness and understanding while guiding men toward the path of healing and success.

John often interviews other up-and-coming voices during his episodes, so watching his series can drive your workforce toward other great resources and advocates.  

There are many other ways you can act as a guide in your HR role to increase men’s mental health awareness in the workplace. You can direct your workforce toward therapy directories, pay careful attention to ensure employees aren’t approaching burnout, and meet with those who seem to be struggling so you can best support your team.  

You can also encourage the development of employee assistance programs so employees can create support networks with their colleagues. For organizations that have tight-knit workforces, an EAP may be a great solution to promote men’s mental health while also building a healthier culture. 



Men’s Health Movements HR Can Join

National Men’s Health Month isn’t the only time of year HR can take notice of men’s issues and promote awareness. 

Movember is a popular movement that increases awareness of men’s mental health and male-specific cancers. While well-known, this isn’t the only November movement—have you ever noticed how much bushier some men’s facial hair gets during the fall?

Keep an eye out for “No Shave November” participants; there may be more than you think. If you notice employees sporting impressive beards and mustaches in November, you can look to this movement for background on why.

While Movember and “No Shave November” often intersect, Movember is a specific organization, whereas “No Shave November” is more of an event for a charity of your choice. So if you plan to get involved or generate participation and awareness in your workforce, be sure to clarify any charitable goals. And before you do anything to get involved, make sure you have the buy-in and commitment of your company's leadership team. 


Need More Ideas? Join Our Community to Hear From HR Pros 

If you want more ideas on showing your workforce that you are dedicated to their mental health, try asking the HR Party of One Community for their help brainstorming.  

This community is for HR professionals—to ask for advice, learn from others, and network with HR professionals across the country. As an HR Party of One, you may need resources and community with others like yourself so you can make your role as strategic as it can be.  

Join the conversation!  



Additional Resources

You can stay informed, educated, and up to date with important HR topics using BerniePortal’s comprehensive resources:

  • BernieU—free online HR courses, approved for SHRM and HRCI recertification credit
  • BerniePortal Blog—a one-stop shop for HR industry news
  • HR Glossary—featuring the most common HR terms, acronyms, and compliance
  • Resource Library—essential guides covering a comprehensive list of HR topics
  • HR Party of One—our popular YouTube series and podcast, covering emerging HR trends and enduring HR topics