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BerniePortal announces new InfoArmor partnership

BerniePortal announces new InfoArmor partnership




BerniePortal's integration with InfoArmor

So why doesn't BerniePortal just make it easy by giving benefit providers and payroll companies direct access to its database? 

Actually, It does. Using BerniePortal's native billing solution, BernieBill, carriers such as InfoArmor can issue bills directly through BerniePortal, eliminating the need for any integration at all. Because BernieBill draws from BerniePortal's real-time database, carriers are able to issue correct bills without that connecting piece.  InfoArmor is an industry-leading identity protection provider that now partners with BerniePortal in order to issue its participants' bills via BernieBill

How integrations work

Well built systems are composed of three layers: a data layer, a rules layer and a presentation layer. The data layer hosts information, the rules layer tells the system what to do with that data, and the presentation layer is how the system presents that data and its functions.

In order to transfer data from one platform's data layer to another platform's data layer, there needs to be a connecting piece—an integration. The problem is, integrations can be difficult  and time consuming to orchestrate. 


About InfoArmor

With incidents such as the 2017 Equifax breach and the Yahoo cyberattack, cybersecurity has become somewhat of a buzzword. Hundreds of millions of individuals in the United States alone have been affected by compromised data. Many have suffered long term consequences. In fact, of those affected, 22% took time off work, 34% were denied personal lines of credit and 15% sold personal possessions in order to pay for related expenses. Essentially, more and more people are affected by identity theft—and that's why Identity protection is becoming a necessary employee benefit. 

That's where InfoArmor comes in. InfoArmor deploys a team of human operatives who go into the dark web posing as hackers. These operatives extract the compromised data and alert  participants of the activity. Each participant receives a  friction-free implementation with BerniePortal and a dedicated account manager. 


Helpful Resources 

InfoArmor + BerniePortal webinar slides

InfoArmor + BerniePortal webinar


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